Profile Picture

Hi there👋🏻!
I'm Arda Fevzi Armutcu

About Me

I am a 2nd year English Language and Literature student in Turkey. I am committed to learn new skills, and try out new stuff whenever I have the time to do so. Hence the reason this website is about everything except my university major 😅. Anyways, don't forget to check my Blog Page and Gallery for more content!

Recent Projects 💻

Project BioBot Cover

Project BioBot

Submission to GoedWare Game Jam #5

Tamagochi Cover


A Tamagochi game as a birthday present for my friend.

Portfolio Cover


My Portfolio. You are looking at it right now!

Novel Tracker Cover

Novel Tracker

Novel Tracker is a simple novel and light novel tracker.

Lunar Lander Cover

Lunar Lander

A simple remake of Lunar Lander for a game jam.